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Size: 42×84 cmPrice: € 1500Year: 2019Info: Oil on wood art painting Victoria – Earth & Fire Victoria is one of the most fire-prone regions in the world and has significantly shaped much of the landscape. Our collective response and recovery to past...
The Joker

The Joker

Size: 150×200 cmPrice: €4600Year: 2021Info: Oil mixed acrylics on canvas The Joker Joker had its world premiere at the 76th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2019, where it won the Golden Lion, and was released in the United States on October 4,...


Size: 120 x 160 cmPrice: € 6350Year: 2019Info: Oil on wood art painting Elysium The Elysian Fields according to Hesiod Hesiod lived at about the same time as Homer (8th or 7th century BCE). In his Works and Days, he wrote the deserving dead that: “father Zeus...
Puccini Tosca

Puccini Tosca

Size: 95×110 cmPrice: €2200Year: 2019Info: Oil on wood art painting Puccini Tosca E’’ Lucevan le Stelle (Private  Collection) And the stars were shining, And the earth was scented. The gate of the garden creaked and a footstep grazed the sand… Fragrant ,...
Blind in childhood

Blind in childhood

Size: 120×160 cmPrice: private collectionYear: 2019Info: Oil on wood art painting Blind in childhood Although the young Ray Charles born Ray Charles Robinson began to lose his sight at the age of 7 he become completely blind when his right eye was removed due to...